



The 鹈鹕湾学者 program began in 2015 and provides face-to-face college courses to incarcerated students in the far northern region of California. Students can earn an AA Liberal 艺术s Degree in Behavioral and Social Sciences and complete the required GE courses to be eligible to transfer to a California State University.

CR strives to provide a top-quality college program to our Pelican Bay students, with services that are reflective of those a student would receive on campus: access to textbooks and course materials, 成绩单评估, 学术咨询, 职业规划, 转移援助, 以及全州的大学网络.


The 鹈鹕湾学者 student body is comprised of dedicated students who thrive as learners, 订婚了, 勤奋工作的, 尊重并渴望获得高等教育的机会.



The 鹈鹕湾学者 program has been made possible through achieving a positive and reciprocal relationship between College of the Redwoods, 学生学者和鹈鹕湾州立监狱.


The 鹈鹕湾学者 Program provides a space to address literacy disparities and offer quality education opportunities in a learning environment that promotes collaboration, 个性, capability and empowerment; to support students in leading meaningful and productive lives inside and outside of prison; and to provide education that boosts economic vitality for students as contributors and leaders within their communities.

Del norte_鹈鹕湾学者

成功 & 保留



This is true not only for people on the outside, but for prisoners as well—especially for prisoners. We come from circumstances where education was either not an option; for most of us, surviving our immediate environment was the only thing we worried about. The greatest irony is that this lack of education is what led us to thinking we had no options.

Prison is one of the most hopeless places; for those of us who face lengthy sentences, even more so. 我们都犯过错误,才有了今天. 但既然我们都来了,接下来会发生什么呢? 当然, 生活不仅仅是无所事事地坐在牢房里等死, 但是多年来, 我们没有希望做得更多. We had nothing that told us there were still possibilities for us to live a productive life. 我们所拥有的只是长期压抑的梦想.

然而,教育改变了这种想法. 它不仅给了我们知识,还改变了我们的观点. It helps us realize the possibility of a better future and that we can still contribute something of substance to society."



  • 28 迪安’s List and 50 President’s Honor Roll students during Fall 2021
  • Serving two level IV and one level II facilities within Pelican Bay State Prison.
  • 学生注册1-5门课程(3-17门).5个单元)每学期.


  • Individualized educational planning, financial aid and college transfer preparation assistance.
  • 一个动手学习的环境与材料和支持实验室.
  • Opportunities to emerge as leaders within the learning environment.
  • Workshops with guest speakers to connect and learn about professions, 克服障碍, university transfer and appropriate eng年龄ment in professional environments.


AJ 1: 司法概论

艺术1: 艺术史:史前到哥特式
艺术1 b: 艺术史:从文艺复兴到当代
4:艺术 艺术欣赏

尖刺外壳1: 生物人类学
尖刺外壳1 b: 生物人类学实验室
尖刺外壳3: 文化人类学

ASTRO 10: 天文学概论

1:杂志 普通生物学/实验室
27日:杂志 海洋哺乳动物生物学

公共汽车10: 商业入门
公车52: 业务通信
公交68: 管理学概论

通讯7: 人际沟通

戏剧24: 戏剧概论

ENVSC 12: 地球气候变化

建造220: 职业和大学基础
GS 1: 大学成功
GS 6: 第一年经验
GUID 8: 职业规划
GUID 205: 监督辅导
数学252: 数学支持实验室
201年的工作: 工作准备技能

英格兰1: 分析性阅读和写作
英格兰1 b: 批判性探究与文学
英格兰1 l: 英语辅助实验室
英格兰1: 英语辅助实验室
英格兰4: 为什么文学很重要
英格兰17: 美国文学
英格兰18: 美国文学II
中国32: 创意写作:诗歌
英格兰33: 创意写作
中国36: 文学杂志及刊物
英格兰102: 培养阅读和写作能力
英格兰150: 大学预科阅读和写作

青烟10: 环境地质

嘘8: 重建中的美国历史
嘘9: 美国历史重建-现在 
嘘20: 世界历史I

数学15: 统计学概论
数学15 l: 统计支持实验室简介
数学15秒: 统计支持实验室简介

亩10: 历史音乐

菲尔。2: 政治哲学导论
菲尔。10: 哲学概论
菲尔。15: 世界宗教

POLSC 1: 政治争议
POLSC 10: 美国政府与政治

心理1: 普通心理学
心理11: strong>Lifespan Development
心理30: 社会心理学
心理33: 个人成长与调整

260年读: 发展文化

片1: 社会工作概论 & 人类服务

SOC 1: 社会学概论
SOC 2: 社会问题
SOC 5: 种族简介 & 民族关系
SOC 34: 社会工作概论





我的父母一直希望我和我的兄弟姐妹接受教育. 因为在越南的时候机会实在太少了, they thought that living in America would give us a chance at a better life. For a while, it seemed that my parents’ dream was just that—a dream. 

I began my journey in the fall of 2015 as one of the handful of students to start CR’s 鹈鹕湾学者 pilot program, and I’ve watched it grow from a tentative one class a semester to a full-fledged college program that runs yearlong; classes are begin offered from morning to night and students now have the privilege of taking on full schedules, 如果他们选择的话. It’s this choice that gives the real college experience; it’s this choice that makes us feel like we’re no longer prisoners, 但是实际的学生. I remember the many nights when my friend K and I would walk back to the unit and talk about all we learned and the possibilities of what our futures could be like if we continued to take advant年龄 of what CR was providing. 

Thanks to CR, I can now say that my parents’ dream is no longer just a dream. 



教育一直是我的夙愿. 我相信一个人要想做得更好,就必须懂得更多. 

对我来说, coming to prison as a child forced me to live with the bad choices I made to get me here, 其中之一就是辍学. Being given an opportunity to acquire my associated degree through the CR 鹈鹕湾学者 program as an opportunity of a lifetime. A degree in behavioral and social science not only gives me the tools I need to transform myself into a better person it puts me in position to make positive contributions to my family, 社区和社会作为一个整体. It’s a high point in my progress towards rehabilitation through education. With the knowledge I have obtained while pursuing my degree I am certain I will not exit prison as a criminal but as a college educated man with a purpose and for that privilege I am forever grateful!



The CR 鹈鹕湾学者 program began in 2015 with non-credit 数学 and 英语 preparatory classes.  

During the Spring 2016 semester 21 students enrolled in the first “for credit” course; as of Fall 2019, over 300 students are enrolled in one or more of the 40 course offerings.

从2022年春季学期开始, the program continues to serves over 400 students and has issued 94 Associate Degrees.









 883 W. 华盛顿大街.加州新月城95531
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