This is true not only for people on the outside, but for prisoners as well—especially for prisoners. We come from circumstances where education was either not an option; for most of us, surviving our immediate environment was the only thing we worried about. The greatest irony is that this lack of education is what led us to thinking we had no options.
Prison is one of the most hopeless places; for those of us who face lengthy sentences, even more so. 我们都犯过错误,才有了今天. 但既然我们都来了,接下来会发生什么呢? 当然, 生活不仅仅是无所事事地坐在牢房里等死, 但是多年来, 我们没有希望做得更多. We had nothing that told us there were still possibilities for us to live a productive life. 我们所拥有的只是长期压抑的梦想.
然而,教育改变了这种想法. 它不仅给了我们知识,还改变了我们的观点. It helps us realize the possibility of a better future and that we can still contribute something of substance to society."